After a good deal of soul searching I have decided to sell my black and white wet darkroom. I have spent many rewarding hours crafting silver prints in the dark, but like so many photographers today, I now process my photographs with a computer and software and I haven’t worked the wet darkroom in years. Since the tender age of 16 I have loved that special alchemy of watching an image “magically” appear in a tray of Dektol, and so it is with some reservations that I put this equipment on the market.

What I am offering is a top-of-the-line black and white darkroom, itemized below with some, but not all, objects pictured. The prices reflect replacement value for used or new items. As itemized the total comes to $5,767, but if someone were interested in the whole shooting match, a screaming deal would follow.
If you are interested in any or all or have any questions, contact me via email.
Darkroom Inventory
- Gra Lab Timer Model 300 ($119)
- 3 trays for 8 x 10 paper ($15)
- 3 Cescolite heavy-weight plastic developing trays for 16 x 20 paper ($100)
- 4 Kodak Duraflex developing trays for 20 x 24 paper ($80)
- Speed-Ez-El 16 x 20 ($70)
- Saunders Photo/Graphic adjustable enlarging easel from 1 ¾ inches square to 11 x 14 inches. ($40 used)
- Beseler Adjustable Table model 8540 ($740)
- Beseler Model 45MXT ($1,800)
- Aristo D2 cold light head ($185 used)
- 4 one-gallon Delta 1 Datatainer plastic photographic chemical jugs ($24 or $6 apiece new)
- 8 x 10 contact print frame ($20)
- Spotone Set 3 bottles ($40)
- Kodak Black and White Darkroom Data Guide ($10)
- 3 Kodak 4×5 hard Rubber Developing Tanks ($60)
- Kodak rapid selenium toner 2 unused 8oz bottles. ($20)
- Edwal Color Toner 1-4oz bottle – yellow ($14)
- 8 Stainless steel 4×5 film developing hangers ($80)
- 8 Heavy-duty stainless steel film developing reels for 35mm ($240)
- 2 Heavy-duty stainless steel film developing reels for 120mm ($30)
- 2 32oz stainless steel film developing tanks with PVC lids. Each will hold up to four 35mm film reels. Reel rods included. ($100)
- Kodak Utility Safelight Lamp Model C with mounting bracket ($50)
- Kodak darkroom lamp model A ($40)
- Photo Flo 200, 16oz bottle ($8)
- Kodak Dektol 1 gallon powdered ($11)
- Kodak Fixer 2 one-gallon packets powered ($26)
- Set of variable contrast filters with lens mount, 0 – 5 in ½ increments plus red filter ($15}
- Beseler audible/repeating enlarging timer ($250)
- Micromega critical focuser ($100)
- Schneider Componon-S enlarger lens with lens board 2.8 55mm ($80)
- El-Nikkor 80mm 5.6 enlarger lens with lens board ($100)
- Rodenstock 135mm 5.6 enlarger lens with lens board ($700)
- Ilford Multigrade variable contrast filters, 6×6”. Set of 12. ($45)
- Beseler 4×5 inch glassless negative carrier ($155)
- Beseler 6x7cm glassless negative carrier ($125)
- Beseler 35mm glassless negative carrier ($165)
- Kodak Polycontrast acetate filters 125 x 125mm set of seven. One through four. ($25)
- Kodak water syphon ($20)
- 32oz stainless steel measuring beaker ($25)
- 64oz stainless steel measuring beaker ($35)
- Weston stainless steel thermometer model 2265 ($35)
Stainless steel beakers, 32oz and 64oz. Weston stainless steel thermometer model 2265. Four one-gallon Delta 1 plastic photographic chemical bottles. An assortment of darkroom chemicals. Speed Ez El for 16×20 paper. Kodak darkroom lamp model A. Three sets of variable contrast filters. Kodak Utility Safelight Lamp model C with mounting bracket. The filter should be replaced, but all else is in fine working order. Kodak 4×5 developing tanks. Eight stainless steel 4×5 film developing hangers. Saunders Photo / Graphic adjustable enlarging easel. Micromega critical focuser. Trays for developing 8×10 inch paper. Kodak water syphon. Three enlarger lenses with lens boards: Schneider Componon-S enlarger lens 2.8 55mm, El-Nikor 80mm 5.6 enlarger lens and Rodenstock enlarger lens 135mm. Stainless steel developing tanks for 35mm or 120mm film. Beseler glassless negative carriers: 35mm, 6x7cm and 4×5 inches.
Hello, Mark! I am crazy but I still have my darkroom. I also have done little in there in recent years but I feel like I invested so much time and money in it, I’m not ready to let it go. It makes me feel good to see how many duplicates there between your professional equipment and my dilettante array!
Have you sold everything? There are a couple of things I might be interested in that are small enough that the shipping cost might not be outrageous.
Is the 8×10 contact printer suitable for 8×10 negs, that kind of contact printer as opposed to one designed for 35mm negatives?
I might also be interested in the 6×7 Beseler negative carrier. My cold light head is a Zone 6, with a Fred Picker special light-sensing metronome timer. LIke I said, very similar gear!
No print washer? I’ve always been super disappointed that I didn’t put in a higher bid on the Zone 6 16×20 print washer they auctioned off from the UAF student darkroom in the Wood Center. I was shocked that someone else even WANTED it. 🙁
Glad I found your blog! Hope you are well! Love the Memento mori/For the Love of God. I like yours better than the Hirst version. His is just too heavy, man.
Do you have the (4) 20×24 developing trays ? And what state are you in ?
Sorry, Jim and LJ, I should have posted before that the entire darkroom has been sold.